Anne-Laure Bernanose, specialist in tutoring and adult education at La Calmette in the Gard region of France

Coach-Trainer for children, teenagers and adults

I'm Anne-Laure Bernanose, founder of La Clé du Lien, a training organization dedicated to helping children, teenagers and adults achieve academic and personal success. Strongly committed to the transmission of knowledge, I put listening, caring and adaptability at the heart of my approach.

My Vision and Values

At La Clé du Lien, I believe in a pedagogy that establishes deep connections between the learner, their aspirations and their environment. Active listening enables me to understand the unique needs of each individual, while caring and adaptability ensure that each path is respectful of each person's pace and values. I'm committed to ensuring that every learner feels supported, understood and valued.

What problems? What needs?

  • For children, difficulties at school can quickly become a source of frustration and discouragement. Some may lack self-confidence, have difficulty keeping up with the pace of the class, or have specific needs that are not sufficiently taken into account.

  • For teenagers, the road to autonomy and self-building is often strewn with pitfalls. Between the demands of school, social pressure and the quest for meaning in their studies, they need support to help them refocus and find their way.

  • For adults, the challenge often lies in reinventing themselves, acquiring new language or professional skills, while managing family and professional responsibilities.

How can I help you?

At La Clé du Lien, I offer tailor-made solutions for every type of learner:

  • For children, I offer individualized tutoring based on positive stimulation and method. I create a safe learning environment where each child can regain confidence in their abilities, progress at their own pace, and see their efforts recognized and valued.

  • For teenagers, I offer support that combines listening and guidance. My aim is to help them understand the meaning of their learning, develop an effective work methodology and build their personal project in line with their aspirations and values.

  • For adults, I set up training courses in foreign languages and personal development adapted to their constraints and objectives. Thanks to a flexible and pragmatic approach, I help them acquire new skills while balancing their daily obligations.


La Clé du Lien has already helped many learners turn their challenges into successes:

  • In a Montessori school, I have helped teenagers with special needs to overcome their difficulties, creating a learning space where every difference is seen as a strength.

  • The adults I've trained in foreign languages have been able to achieve their professional goals while regaining their self-confidence, thanks to an adaptive and caring method.

  • Parents report a marked improvement in their children's academic performance and well-being, thanks to personalized tutoring that reconnects the pleasure of learning with success.


If you're looking for guidance that combines competence, humanity and deep-rooted values, La Clé du Lien is here for you. Whether you're a parent, student or professional, together we'll build a pathway to unlock your full potential.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to accompanying you on your path to success, with La Clé du Lien.

See you soon,

Anne-Laure Bernanose

My motto?


Many of you are experiencing it today !!! That's why I've decided to ACT!!!

We all want to SUCCESS IN OUR LIFE!!! We set the bar high to accomplish as parents the chores of the house, the school support for the success of our children, their education and also our full time job!!!! Alone, it's hard! 

Thanks to my listening skills, I'm able to adapt a personalized and methodical teaching itinerary to meet your exact needs! En route to unique learning methods adapted to your personality!



Using effective, practical teaching methods, I'll make you the actor in your own success!

  • At my practice thanks to a serene, caring and stimulating environment, I welcome you on Monday afternoons from 1:30 pm to 7:00 pm, on Tuesdays all day from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, on Wednesday mornings from 8:00 am to 10:00 am and on Thursday mornings from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. You'll benefit from optimal working conditions, as well as access to appropriate teaching aids.
  • At home Thanks to my personal service, I can come to your home at the dates and times agreed together;
  • From a distance Thanks to the zoom application, I can carry out a diagnostic session with you to identify your needs for yourself and/or your child! Adaptability and flexible schedules guaranteed!

To dare to succeed, THE SOLUTION I propose is to accompany you in your training while supporting you in your children's schoolwork.

We all have the potential to succeed! Yes, at any age, we are capable of adapting to change!

I'm living proof! 

Here's my story:

For over twenty years, I've devoted my life to coaching, guided by deep-rooted values of listening, caring and commitment. My journey, rich in experience and life lessons, has been marked by successes, trials and moments of reflection that led me to create the business I'm in today.

A journey rich in experience and learning

My professional adventure began in the world of export, where I worked for five years in a hardware trading company. I quickly progressed to the position of Export Manager, managing a small team and negotiating with demanding European customers. This role enabled me to develop skills in international project management and intercultural communication, but above all it taught me the importance of open-mindedness and tolerance in professional relationships.

I then joined a major French pharmaceutical laboratory, where I worked for twelve years in international sales. At the same time, as a mother of three, I tried to reconcile everything with a job that was becoming progressively dehumanized, caught up in hyperactivity and perfectionism. This led me to burnout in 2016.

Trials and the Transition to Transmission

This difficult episode was a turning point in my life. It was thanks to a skills assessment and coaching that I was able to bounce back. I realized that if you try to do everything on your own, without taking a step back, you can end up in a situation that becomes unsustainable. This experience opened my eyes to the importance of refocusing, of getting to know ourselves better, and of looking for what relieves us and makes us better.

It was in this distancing that I found the strength to redirect myself towards what was really close to my heart: transmission. At the age of 38, I decided to go back to school and obtain a professional degree in educational support and coordination. This choice wasn't simply a career move, it was a move of the heart, rooted in the conviction that education and support are essential levers for individual fulfillment.

Creating customized, human training

On the strength of these experiences, I decided to set up my own tutoring and trilingual training business, in order to offer rigorous and deeply human support. As a micro-entrepreneur, I've had the privilege of accompanying many students, both children and adults, adapting to their specific needs, whether for tutoring or foreign language training.

My experience at a Montessori school, in particular, left a lasting impression on me. Working with teenagers from diverse backgrounds enabled me to see how a personalized, caring approach could transform differences into strengths. This challenge has strengthened my conviction that education must be inclusive, respectful of individual rhythms, and always geared to the development of each individual's personal values.

My Values for Your Success

By going through these trials, I now know the path that leads to personal, family and professional fulfillment. That's why the values that guide my day-to-day work are those I wish to pass on to my learners: active listening, benevolence, method, adaptability, positivity, confidence and commitment. Coaching is not just about acquiring knowledge, it's also about helping each individual to discover and build themselves, and to rise towards meaningful success.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to accompanying you on your path to success, in a setting where your values and aspirations will be fully respected.

See you soon,

Anne-Laure Bernanose

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