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Tutoring for middle school students, all subjects in the Gard department

Private lessons at La Calmette, at home or by distance!

Dear parents,
Does your child need personalized help to progress in his or her learning? Would you like to find someone who can guide your child with confidence, allowing them to progress at their own pace?

We can define this together through a 1st contact by phone or in person to define your needs! 

picture puzzle

Teens aged 11 to 14

Homework help (all subjects)

Developing multiple intelligences

Learning to learn" methodology course

, Refresher course (Maths, French, English)

The various workshops


College refresher course

The emphasis will be on consolidating the basics in French and mathematics. Two major allies for your success in life! Thanks to a differentiated pedagogy combining personalization of needs and targeting of possible blockages, the motivation to learn with the right support will undoubtedly be there!
Personalized diagnosis and attentive listening, with an action plan to help you get to know yourself better, become autonomous and methodical!
Face-to-face or distance sessions (skype or telephone) for children.



Stress management and coaching

Thanks to a free preliminary diagnosis to identify the personal / school / professional problem(s), I can offer you individual coaching sessions or group workshops to delve deep inside yourself and understand your essential needs in order to free yourself once and for all from the burdens weighing down your body, your heart or your mind!

Face-to-face or remote sessions (skype or telephone) for teenagers.

Coaching (individual or small group)
Stress to well-being workshop (one-to-one or small group)


English and Spanish for everyone!
Learn to communicate in foreign languages!

Thanks to a targeted pedagogical itinerary and an edutainment method, learning the basics of language communication will be child's play!
We offer a personalized diagnosis, weekly sessions and learning rituals!

Face-to-face or remote sessions (skype or telephone) for teenagers.

Tailor-made English courses (one-to-one or small groups)
Tailor-made Spanish courses (individual or small group)

Remote action plan

Guide your children with confidence to consolidate the basics!

Do you need personalized support? Would you like to support your child's learning?

But you're not a teacher and you don't have enough time because you're working!

You lack patience, conflicts break out and you can't understand each other?

About us

I provide 1 to 2 hours of traditional tutoring per student every week for the duration of the school year.

My accompaniment can take place :

- in the office in a serene, caring and stimulating environment!

- at home (Nîmes/Uzès/Alès area) and you can benefit from a 50% tax credit .

- remotely via zoom or what's app! I've adapted my coaching to guarantee effectiveness, with shorter sessions that are more focused on the issues each person needs to resolve.

Do you feel that your child has gaps to fill? My support will help you gain peace of mind as a parent, and give you a clearer picture of the real skills your child needs to develop.

I create a personalized learning itinerary for each child, whatever his or her initial difficulties, to guarantee a progression in learning.

Step by step, your child becomes an active learner!

My organization

First stage

Our 1st meeting :

  • 1/ It can be carried out remotely by telephone or in person.
  • 2/ Together we define your precise needs
  • 3/ I propose to target your child's strengths and weaknesses during a 1st session offered via zoom, which will guarantee quality support that combines patience and pedagogy for your child/adolescent so that he/she validates his/her level, finds all his/her motivation to learn and becomes an actor in his/her success!

Second stage

I'll draw up an educational itinerary tailored to your needs. There are three possibilities:

1/ A one-off refresher course during the school vacations.

2/ Regular weekly support throughout the school year.

3/ Home schooling support

My support

  • Session length: 1 to 2 hours, depending on the child's age
  • Planning of sessions defined together (flexibility)
  • Positive, structuring pedagogy adapted to each learner.
  • Alternating theoretical concepts and practical application
  • Regular feedback with parents
  • Pedagogical coordination with the teacher if necessary.

During the coronavirus outbreak, many of you home-schooled your children as best you could.

That said, you'd prefer an outsider to take care of the teaching part, for which you don't feel comfortable. Not everyone can be a teacher.

That's how I came up with the idea of creating this targeted coaching program, tailored to each individual to meet your needs and give you the keys to long-term success.

How does it work in practice?

  • A 20-minute TELEPHONE DIAGNOSIS during which we will work together to define your precise needs and draw up an individualized action plan that takes into account your school level/subject(s) in order to target and effectively correct any gaps, taking into account the school curriculum and expected skills.
  • Following our interview, I'll suggest a test in the subject(s) concerned to define precisely the concepts to be reworked.
  • In this way, I create an educational itinerary for your child or teenager that is tailored to the duration of the project.
  • Now we're ready to take the next step towards academic success !

How is the support provided from CP to 3ème (ALL SUBJECTS)?

  • You will benefit from :
    Personalized planning
  • Regular quizzes to pinpoint your child's weaknesses (free)
  • Methodical , motivating support thanks to positive pedagogy
  • A weekly telephone or SMS update for follow-up
  • Complementary resources according to the needs and level of the student

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