Learn English naturally every day!

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Hello everyone!

How are you today?

I've come to share with you a great new way to learn English and maintain it naturally in your daily life through self-immersion.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, your smartphone becomes your ally for practicing English in your everyday life, with personalized guidance! Yes, an application that adapts to your needs, and 5 to 10 minutes a day are all it takes to create an adapted, pro-active and efficient ritual!

With the Mr SMITH app, you can request exercises, read an article on your favorite topic, or review a specific concept, then self-evaluate at your convenience. All your requests will be answered thanks to this intelligent application that will enable you to progress in English at your own pace, and in total autonomy. I'll continue to provide you with technical support, coaching for 3 months, or additional training if required.

To find out more, contact me by SMS at or by filling in the contact form below https://www.lacledulien.com/contact or also by email at anne-laure.bernanose@lacledulien.com
and I'll send you a demo ;)

See you soon on your path to success :)

See you soon,

Anne Laure

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