Hello everyone,
As you know, we are now in a period of de-confinement. You may have put your children back to school so that you can get back to work in better conditions, even if canteens and childcare facilities are not always available.
I'd also like to address those parents who have been unable or unwilling to send their children back to school. Home schooling continues for many families. So I thought it would be a good idea to pass on to you A TURNKEY METHOD to find out how you can continue to support your child while working?
You've been able to experience it for 7 weeks, and it's no easy task!
I am currently experiencing this myself with 3 children, 1 in first grade, 1 in fourth grade and 1 in fourth grade.
I'm not by nature hyper organized because I really like the unexpected and I hate routines!!!!
So HOW DO YOU DO it when you're a PARENT and you're forced to get organized?
I'll explain it all below so you'll know what to implement in your daily life as a grass-roots parent-teacher!
Yes, as I explained earlier, even if you're not a fan of planning, you've got to get started! In this way, you'll preserve YOU and feel more serene!
So here's a 1st KEY for YOU: "ORGANIZING FOR SUCCESS":
I was inspired by the GTD Method - "Getting things done!" - Getting things done! COMMITMENT
Step 1: NOTE
The brain is not made to store information but to come up with new ideas!!!!
SO, the idea is to have a global vision for the organization of your whole LIFE on a daily basis.
What are you going to do with all these ideas once you've captured and written them down? You're going to categorize them by theme (for example, CHILDREN THEME / HOME THEME / WORK THEME).
What's the solution to efficient filing?
- A paper or digital support for daily priority actions: example 1 ephemeris: .Define a maximum of 3 priority activities per day (not one more!) to get to the heart of the matter
- A paper or digital medium for fixed time slots (e.g. a weekly planner)
- A weekly notebook to list new actions to be taken
Choose a paper or digital diary and use a color code for each theme. Google Calendar is very efficient! I highly recommend it!
And then, each week, take stock of what you have done or not done:
This way of organizing yourself will profoundly change your vision of how you will manage your life from now on! You're building a solid foundation for the long term!
And above all, learn to DELEGATE, à TRUST !!! Your children will feel it and take on more responsibility, and you'll free up your mental load!
So you're aware at all times and in control of your schedule, which is the same for home, work and your children's schoolwork.
Don't forget!
It's YOU who PILOTS, not you who suffers!
I hope you enjoyed this article!
Please feel free to share this article and if you have any questions, you can contact me and I'll be happy to answer them!
See you soon on your path to success!