How can you better understand your child's difficulties at school?

Hello everyone!

This week, I'm going to go into a little more detail about my vision of coaching. How do you react when your child has a learning difficulty? How do you pass on knowledge to your child when you're a parent?

You're neither a pedagogue nor a teacher, but you still need to support your child's education. Are you running out of patience?

This is perfectly normal, as the parent-child relationship is different from the teacher-student relationship. The emotional relationship is at the heart of this problem: you know your child by heart, and your child is emotionally connected to you, reacting in every case according to your reactions.

When it comes to passing on knowledge to a pupil, there's no such thing as a parent-child relationship, so there's neutrality, non-judgment and fair support that can be put in place. But how can this be achieved?

I will share with you my vision and experience for your well-being:

As a parent, teacher or educator, it's always harder to support your own children than other people's children. Why is this?

Because, as I said, your children play on your reactions and adapt to your behavior. We are never in a neutral relationship with our children. Nevertheless, it is possible to adopt the posture of a companion: Here's how I do it:

1. Choosing the right moment for full attention

2. Choose a constant time slot so that your child knows that this time is set aside for him, for his schoolwork.

3. Depending on the age of the child, leave him/her to work independently, while explaining instructions in clear language and allowing him/her to reformulate them more simply if necessary.

4. Always support him in a positive way, letting him know that he's capable and that you have confidence in him despite his mistakes.

5. Practise active listening, letting him express the way he thought and reasoned.

6. Establish a teaching method adapted to the learner's personality and learning pace, to respect his or her learning style.

7. Reward every step forward.

8. The ultimate goal is to make it easier for them to learn, to simplify their thinking strategy so that they realize that learning isn't that complicated! It's about adopting the right method of confident, positive thinking, both creative and rational!


I hope you've enjoyed this article, and don't hesitate to delegate to gain in serenity, because as a non-teaching parent, the task is always more difficult!

To share your experience with me, please contact me by clicking here:

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See you soon on your path to success,

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